Friday, August 15, 2008

HitMeLater: A Snooze Button For Your Email

HitMeLater is simple. Forward any email to and it will send it back to you 24 hours later, putting it on the top of your inbox pile. You can change the number of hours to anything you like, up to 1,000 hours ahead ( sends it back three hours later). Alternatively, put in a day (Wednesday@hitmelater sends it back the next Wednesday). If you send it something it doesn’t understand, HitMeLater sends back a polite email message saying “We’re not sure what you want.”

Google says AOL is a lemon, regretting $1 billion investment


According to Google’s 10-Q filing, Google is regretting their $1 billion investment in AOL for 5% of the company. They have determined that AOL looks like a lemon, and they will never see any return on their investment.Basedon our review, we believe our investment in AOL may be impaired. After consideration of the [...]